Hi Everyone, So sorry for the radio silence with regards to Education & Training. As we all know 2020 was hit with Covid-19 causing a…
No. 217/2020 21st April 2020 To : All Branches Dear Colleagues Legal Services Department During the current COVID-19 pandemic we are only able to provide…
The outbreak of COVID-19 is affecting all sectors of business including the legal sector. For updates regarding CWU Legal Services, UnionLine & UnionLine Scotland please…
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No. 112/20 9th March 2020 Dear Colleagues, Please find attached LTB 112/20 which contains a slightly amended flowchart. Please note that the reference period changes…
No. 112/20/20 9th March 2020 Dear Colleagues, AVERAGE PAY ON LEAVE (HOLIDAY PAY CLAIMS) AGAINST ROYAL MAIL GROUP LIMITED Further to LTB 034/20 issued on…