We’re Back!
Hi Everyone,
So sorry for the radio silence with regards to Education & Training. As we all know 2020 was hit with Covid-19 causing a global pandemic. As a result of this the Education & Training all but ground to a halt. Training shifted to become more dependant on online learning. Also in 2020 I fell pregnant with my second child. This saw me trying to keep myself safe for the pregnancy. March 2021 came and my baby boy was born. I was on maternity leave up until February this year….. but I’m back now and raring to go.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ex Sub Branch Lead ULR, Glenn, for his time as a Lead ULR and wish him well in his retirement. I would also like to welcome the new Sub Branch Lead ULR, Gavin in to the position. I look forward to working with you and moving the branch forward in terms of learning for both members and Reps.
If there is anything you would like to see happen in terms of learning please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Gavin. Our contact details are below.
Amy (Branch Lead ULR) – 07771 354023 or email learning.nstaffspostal@gmail.com
Gav – g.harrington-jones@sky.com
We both look forward to working with you over the next couple of years
Amy & Gav