LTB 150/20 – CWU LIVE
LTB No: 150/20
24th March 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As part of our overall communications strategy we have today launched a new blog on the CWU website.
CWU Live can be found via the link
In this blog we will draw together news and views from across the CWU and wider trade union
movement. You will probably have come across similar pages on BBC News and The Guardian.
We believe it will have particular relevance at this point as we look to update our reps and
members as regularly as possible on the Coronavirus crisis.
We would also welcome contributions from branches and CWU officials if you believe we should share something of interest.
If you have any ideas please email them to April O’Neill
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be directed to Marcia Murray
Kind regards
Chris Webb
Head of Communications, Engagement and Media