LTB 219/20 – Updated COVID-19 Response from Postal Administrations and Trade Unions around the World

LTB 219/20

22nd April 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Updated COVID-19 Response from Postal Administrations and Trade Unions around the World

Further to LTB 204/20, attached for the information of Branches is the latest, fully updated, documentation illustrating the approach being taken by other Postal Administrations and Trade Unions from around the world in relation to the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), social distancing measures, services that are considered to be a priority, the frequency of delivery, the Post Office Network and the delivery of essential items to the public.

Branches should note that this latest documentation contains information from additional countries such as Canada, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal and Malaysia, as well as some progress reports on events in those countries previously listed. The amendments to the previous paperwork are highlighted in red for ease of reference and it remains the Department’s intention to continue to liaise with the Research Department to ensure that further developments are reported in a timely manner throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

I trust Branches will continue to find this wide-ranging analysis helpful and informative and that the ongoing situation in other countries will continue to be of use as further policy is developed.

Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department.

Yours sincerely,

Terry Pullinger

Deputy General Secretary (Postal)