LTB 388/2022 Royal Mail Group: Pay and Change Disputes – Programme of Strike action
27th September 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Group: Pay and Change Disputes – Programme of Strike
Branches are advised that following an all-day Postal Executive meeting, along
with a consultative meeting of our Senior Field Officials, the following programme
of strike action has been endorsed and is being announced to our members.
The programme of action below is specifically designed as a serious statement of
intent with the clear purpose of bringing Royal Mail Group to the bargaining table
to negotiate a resolution to both disputes.
It should also be noted that only last Thursday 22nd September, Royal Mail Group
served notice on the Union to cease a number of major agreements, including
legal protections, which was extremely provocative.
October – National Action – all Members Across all Functions
24 hours from 04:00 Thursday 13th October into Friday 14th October
24 hours from 04:00 Thursday 20th October into Friday 21st October
24 hours from 04:00 from Tuesday 25th October into Wednesday 26th
October (Change)
November – Functional Action (with the Exception of a Single Day’s
National Action)
24 hours from 04:00 on Wednesday 2nd November into Thursday 3rd
November = All Network
24 hours from 04:00 on Thursday 3rd November into Friday 4th November
= All Processing, Area Distribution, International, Collections, Admin and
24 hours from 04:00 on Friday 4th November into Saturday 5th November
= All Deliveries
24 hours from 04:00 on Tuesday 8th November into Wednesday 9th
November = All Network
24 hours from 04:00 on Wednesday 9th November into Thursday 10th
November = Processing, Area Distribution, International, Collections,
Admin and MDEC
24 hours from 04:00 on Thursday 10th November into Friday 11th
November = All Deliveries
24 hours from 04:00 Monday 14th November into Thursday 15th
November = All Network
24 hours from 04:00 Tuesday 15th November into Wednesday 16th
November = Processing, Area Distribution, International, Collections,
Admin and MDEC
24 hours from 04:00 Wednesday 16th November into Thursday 17th
November = All Deliveries.
Black Friday week
24 hours from 04:00 on Wednesday 23rd November into Thursday 24th
November = All Network
24 hours from 04:00 on Thursday 24th November into Friday 25th
November = All Processing, Area Distribution, Collections, International,
Admin and MDEC
24 hours from 04:00 on Friday 25th November into Saturday 26th
November = All Deliveries
24 hours all out on Cyber Monday 28th November into Tuesday 29th
November = Everyone
24 hours from 04:00 on Wednesday 30th November into Thursday 1st
December = All Network
24 hours from 04:00 on Thursday 1st December into Friday 2nd December
= All Processing, Area Distribution, Collections, International, Admin and
24 hours from 04:00 on Friday 2nd December into Saturday 3rd December
= All Deliveries.
Parcelforce, Fleet and Engineers will be aligned to the most appropriate
functional dates following consultation between the Officers and the Senior Reps.
The Postal Executive is certain that all members will understand this is a serious
escalation of the dispute and this decision has not been taken lightly. However,
Royal Mail Group has steadfastly refused to enter into meaningful negotiations
for many months now and they have imposed an insulting 2% pay increase.
Aligned to this is the recent removal of all key protections and safeguards for our
members. As a consequence, the Postal Executive felt there was a need for a
very strong programme of action to be announced.
We would like to thank our members for their continued loyalty and support
which ultimately will bring about a settlement to these disputes.
Yours sincerely
Andy Furey Dave Ward
A/Deputy General Secretary (Postal) General Secretary
Mark Baulch Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary
Carl Maden Andy Hopping
Assistant Secretary Acting Assistant Secretary
22LTB388 – Royal Mail Group Pay and Change Disputes Programme of Strike Action