Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of 22nd September 2021






Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of 22nd September 2021


The Branch Financial Secretary Craig Jones took the Chair at 10.40am at the North Stafford Hotel, Station Road, Stoke on Trent and introduced himself to the CWU retired members as the Branch Officer who would oversee the proceedings to establish a functioning organisation for the Branch Retired Members Section of the North Staffs Postal Branch of the CWU.


There was first a discussion about what Officers it was necessary and desirable to elect to serve the interests of members and it was concluded there should be:-

  • A Chair
  • An Organising Secretary
  • A Financial Liaison Officer

It was then agreed:-

The Chair will have oversight and control of meetings of the Retired Members Section to ensure business was conducted democratically within the rules and policies of the CWU whilst properly reflecting the wishes of members.

The Organising Secretary will be responsible for organising the meetings, the business and communications of the Retired Members Section and have responsibility for carrying out the agreed instructions of the Section to fulfil the objectives set by the members.

The Financial Liaison Officer will liaise with the Branch Financial Secretary to ensure oversight of the finances and financing of the Section and facilitate the funding of events arranged and organised by the Retired Members Section of the Branch.


The Chair Craig Jones then called for nominations to elect individuals to these three positions.


Mick Jones : 

was nominated, seconded and elected unopposed by show of hands of the members present.

Organising Secretary

Jan Zablocki :

was nominated, seconded and elected unopposed by show of hands of the members present.

Financial Liaison Officer

Andrew Cawley :

was nominated, seconded and elected unopposed by show of hands of the members present.


Mick Jones then took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting and thanked Craig and the Branch Chair Andy Hickerman and Secretary Jason Cornwall for the support they had given to retired members in establishing the new Retired Members Section.

Mick then opened a discussion about future events first dealing with the location and frequency of meetings.  It was agreed to continue to hold meetings on a bi-monthly basis at the North Stafford Hotel where rooms had previously been booked and paid for prior to the “lockdown” precautionary measures caused by the COVID 19 virus.


The possibility of organising events for members for the rest of 2021 going into 2022 was discussed and it was agreed to try and arrange:-

  1. A Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 15the December. Several venues for this were suggested and Andrew and Jan agreed to investigate the viability of these and proceed to make arrangements they thought to be the best option.  It was agreed a £5 deposit would be taken to reserve each place for the lunch with friends and family paying the full cost of their lunches.  Deposits would be taken at the next retired members meeting.
  2. Arrange a visit to the Blist Hill Industrial Village and Ironbridge Museum if possible within daylight hours.


It was then agreed to convene the next meeting for November 17th 2021.

The meeting then closed at 11.50am.


RETIRED MEMBERS – Minutes Inaugural Meeting NS Postal Branch Sept 2020

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