TUC Notice on classroom courses and COVID-19
If you are a trade union representative due to attend a course delivered at a trade union studies centre and are unsure if the course is still going ahead, you should do the following:
Check with your union
Some unions have cancelled their courses for the foreseeable future. Some unions have issued their own guidance to members and reps regarding travel and attending events/training.
Check with the college that is delivering the training
At the time of writing a number of our partner colleges are still open.
Please take notice of the most recent government advice on non-essential travel, social distancing, and self-isolation. https://tuceducation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ebd004a8047907dc47d269fd1&id=baf652a6a3&e=2bca7ef6a0
For further resources, check out our recording of our recent Coronavirus at Work webinar https://tuceducation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ebd004a8047907dc47d269fd1&id=8213930a47&e=2bca7ef6a0
and our new guidance for unions https://tuceducation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ebd004a8047907dc47d269fd1&id=f617ec622e&e=2bca7ef6a0
Finally, our free Rep Essentials online learning will give you everything you need to build your knowledge. https://tuceducation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ebd004a8047907dc47d269fd1&id=cd21ddfdf4&e=2bca7ef6a0