LTB 002/23 Royal Mail Group SHE Safety Flash – Double Deck Trailer Upper Deck.
No. 002/2023
5 January 2023
Our Ref: V4/23
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY22 023 – RMG Double Deck Trailer, Upper Deck ‘Bridging Plate’ Not Secured and Locked in Place Causing Near Miss Potential Serious Head Injury When Opening Trailer Rear Shutter Door:
Background and Description
Royal Mail Group’s Safety Team have issued RMG SHE Safety Flash FY22 023 following a dangerous, near miss incident which occurred at the RM North West Parcel Hub when an employee opened the rear shutter door of a docked double deck trailer. As the shutter door was raised the yellow ‘bridging plate’ or ‘footplate’ on the top deck fell forward, heavily, unrestrained into the down position, narrowly missing striking the employee on their head.
On investigation it was found that there were no defects with the ‘bridging plate’ and the conclusion was that the ‘bridging plate’ had not been safely secured and locked into position prior to closing the double deck trailer door and departure.
A dangerous near miss incident in which an employee loading/unloading the trailer could have sustained a serious head injury.
Fortunately, no injuries were sustained.
Key Messages and Learning Points
During trailer loading/unloading once the ‘bridging plate’ has been placed in the vertical ‘up position’ for storage, it must then be manually tested to ensure it is securely ‘locked’ in place before closing the trailer door. (See attached SHE Flash images).
Issue the Safety flash FY22 023 to all HGV Class 1 license holders and employees who are trained and authorised to load and unload double deck trailers.
Brief specific elements of the RMG Operating Double Deck Trailers (DDT) SSOW.
Display the Safety Flash on the SHE Notice Board.
Deploy first class safety conversations targeting compliance to the required safe system of work.
Please ensure that this Safety Flash is communicated and brought to the attention of all appropriate members and that the actions above are deployed.
All drivers in Logistics/PFW and those who are trained to load and unload trailers.
Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY22 023 – RMG Double Deck Trailer, Upper Deck ‘Bridging Plate’ Not Secured and Locked in Place Causing Near Miss Potential Serious Head Injury When Opening Trailer Rear Shutter Door:
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer