16th December 2022.
Last night RMG published an open letter to employees on job losses and Compulsory Redundancies.
As everybody knows, the Union has been demanding job security commitments for members as part
of the resolution to the disputes and we welcome the following statement highlighted in their letter:
“The changes we need to make to this business will NOT involve ANY compulsory redundancies. Royal Mail has not used compulsory redundancy before. And we’re not going to start now.”
Given RMG wrote to the Union on 28th November seeking our agreement on the criteria for
Compulsory Redundancy, the above represents a major shift in RMG’s position which has only
come about as a result of our members continuing to show rock solid support for strike action.
This is also proven by the company’s previous “best and final” offer of 22nd November, published to
members, stating:
“Royal Mail are prepared to guarantee there will be no compulsory redundancies up to
31st March 2023. There will be a review of this position at this time.”
For their no Compulsory Redundancy statement to become a reality, it must form part of a final
overall Agreement including the wider Job Security commitments we require in relation to future
resourcing models, terms & conditions and working practices.
Notwithstanding the above, the Union remains opposed to the overall scale of job losses linked to
unacceptable change. We also stand by the fact that RMG’s current plans will result in
significantly more than the 10,000 job losses announced on 14th October due to RMG’s expanded
plans to “right-size” the company through further major change – confirmed in front of Acas.
It is evident RMG has modified its position on no Compulsory Redundancies, which everyone will
welcome. However, if RMG wants to resolve all issues in dispute, they must act with greater
integrity by engaging in meaningful negotiations, rather than making unilateral announcements
through an open letter designed to avoid an Agreement.
Yours sincerely
Dave Ward Andy Furey
General Secretary Acting Deputy General Secretary (P)