LTB 504-22 TUC Health & Safety Reps Survey 2022:

No. 504/2022
19 December 2022
Our Ref: C1/22
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
TUC Health & Safety Reps Survey 2022:
The TUC has launched the 2022 survey of union health and safety representatives, which the
TUC carries out every two years.
This is the fourteenth biennial TUC survey of health and safety reps. It is designed to provide
the TUC and individual unions with information about who health and safety reps are, and
what their experiences and needs are.

This information is needed so that the TUC and unions can do more to help safety reps, and so
that trade union safety reps’ views and experiences are better reflected in public policy
debates and the work of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The responses are valuable to
the TUC and indicate the issues safety reps are dealing with, and what work the TUC and
affiliated member unions like the CWU should prioritise and campaign on in the years ahead.
The TUC will publish the results, and use them to campaign for better health and safety
standards at work (including more rights for health and safety reps).

Safety rep responses are crucial to ensuring that this survey provides the information the TUC
is seeking. Please answer as many questions as you can – but if they seem irrelevant to your
experiences, ignore them.

This survey covers the last two years (from December 2020 to December 2022). Please
answer as many questions as possible. The survey is looking at your health and safety work in
general over the whole period and includes survey questions specifically about your
experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Responses will help shape the future health and
safety priorities of the TUC and refine how the TUC and affiliated unions support safety reps in

This survey is now on-line as it has been for the last few years and will take approximately 5
minutes to complete. Your contribution is incredibly valuable, and it can only be used if you
reach the end of the survey and press the submit button. All responses are anonymised in the
final report write-up.

Survey Respondents will have the chance to be added into a prize draw which you
can opt in to and the end of the survey.
 1st Prize – £200 supermarket voucher
 2nd Prize – £100 supermarket voucher
 3rd Prize – £50 supermarket voucher
 4th Prize – A year’s subscription to Hazards Magazine (all other winners will also receive
this) Collating the responses to this survey will be a time-consuming and expensive task, so the
TUC cannot enter into correspondence arising from the survey. However, the TUC does want to
know about any successes health and safety reps have had in improving health and safety
standards and there is a section in the survey for safety reps to provide details if they wish.
The 2022 biennial TUC Survey of Health and Safety Representatives is now online so
please complete the survey at:
Please complete the survey by Thursday 2 February 2023 when the survey will close.
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Office



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