Retired Members Section – Minutes of the meeting 16th March 2022
Minutes of the Meeting of 16th March 2022
Chair Mick Jones
Minutes Jan Zablocki
The Chair welcomed everyone attending and opened the meeting at 10.30am at the North Stafford Hotel, Station Road, Stoke on Trent.
Chris Stones, Judith Collinson, Martin Pearce, Eilleen Jones, Mick Smith all sent their apologies for being unable to attend the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting of the 19th January 2022 were read and agreed as a true and accurate record.
Organising Secretary’s Report
Andrew reported 22 names had been submitted for the visit to the Blists Hill Industrial Village in Shropshire and the Secretary would investigate the possibility of arranging another coach in addition to the 19 seater or provide financial support to a group travelling together in their own vehicle.
The Secretary then reported the North Staffs Postal Branch Annual General Meeting would be taking place on Wednesday 30th March at 6.30pm at the Branch Office in Hanley and all members were welcome to attend.
Chair’s Report
Mick had taken part in the “Virtual” Retired members Annual Conference by means of the “ZOOM” electronic media platform. Motion 8 calling for legal services to be provided for families of retired members was not admitted to the Agenda because it “instructed” the CWU National Executive which was not permitted within CWU Rules. This proposition was to be re submitted directly to the CWU Annual Conference. Mick had opposed Motion 4 to ensure every Branch with a Retired Members Section complied “totally” with the Branch Model Constitution in order to receive funding. It was felt this was too restrictive, prescriptive and draconian and could be used to withdraw funding from Retired Members Sections for the most minor of reasons of strict non compliance. Of 10 Midlands branch Retired Members Sections only 5 sent delegates to the Regional Meetings because they were seen of little value but this could mean 5 Branches could have their funding cut. Despite this the motion was carried. Motion 3 which would go forward to CWU Annual Conference called for opposition to the Health & Social Care Bill that was not fit for purpose. Motion 6 committing the CWU to support the National Pensioners’ Campaign to protect the State pension “Triple Lock” would also be forwarded to be put on the CWU Annual Conference Agenda. The need to improve the State Pension, one of the poorest in Europe was then discussed.
Financial Report
Andrew reported that some £4,300 was retained in the Branch Accounts for the Retired Members Section.
Social Report
It was stated consideration should be given to organising another event once the visit to Blists Hill had been completed.
Any Other Business
Mark Lyttletton stated his son was recruiting young people into apprenticeship schemes at the Stoke on Trent Northern College at Burslem and urged members to advise their young family members of this.
There was then a discussion of the Government’s policy of “Levelling Up” the local economies of areas and regions across the country and the dire state of decline felt across Stoke on Trent and Newcastle Under Lyme. Leek was referenced as a small town making its own good effort to successfully renew and regenerate its town centre. Frank James also stated there was no real signs of “levelling up” having much real positive impact at Stafford either.
It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Wednesday 18th May and the meeting then closed at 12.30pm.