Royal Mail Group – Provision of Personal Attack Alarms (140db) To Postal Workers


No. 455/2021

26 October 2021

Our Ref:  P17/21 

To:  All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Royal Mail Group – Provision of Personal Attack Alarms (140db) To Postal Workers

This is a further short update following LTBs 422/2021 issued on 6 October 2021 and 435/2021 issued on 11 October 2021.

LTBs 422/2021 and 435/2021 reported that agreement had been reached with Royal Mail Group for the provision of Personal Attack Alarms for CWU members and that following discussions with Royal Mail Group and ‘Dimensions’ the company’s work-wear supplier, it had been agreed that the new Personal Attack Alarms (PAAs) would be made available on the Royal Mail Group website/uniform ordering portal, date to be confirmed, following which CWU members could pre-order the item.

I’m pleased to report further progress, and on Thursday 21 October, the Personal Attack Alarms went live on the Royal Mail uniform ordering portal for pre-orders of the alarms. To date Royal Mail has received 600 orders.

As previously reported, a first initial order for 5,000 alarms was placed with manufacturers and as a result of measuring the rate of orders so far, as well as to ensure Royal Mail maintains a continuous supply, a further order has been placed with the manufacturer for another 5,000 alarms.

Royal Mail expect delivery of the first batch in mid/late November with the second batch shortly thereafter (tbc).

See attached ‘screen shot’ of the Personal Attack Alarm (PAA) showing on the Royal Mail website/portal for your information.

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

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